Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pass the...Buck?

I know... I've dropped off the face.  I'm sorry, if there is anyone out there who actually reads this blog!! Actually, I got a comment this week that is prompting this post, asking "Where I've been?"  Truth be told, I am just busy working 2 very part time jobs and being a mother, wife, friend, and churchy worker.  Most of the time the thought of "one more thing" just overwhelms me - even though this blog IS a fun thing for me.

So thanks for reading in the past...I don't know what the future holds for this blog - it might have served it's purpose when I needed it, and now I am not so needy.  (ha ha) Still feeding my kids lots of vegan/vegetarian meals, but keeping around some of their favorite meals so I can still be loved and adored for my culinary skills ; )

Happy Eats!



track traffic
British Air Line